
About me
About me

Welcome to my space


My name is Tefera Alemu I have been involved in different aspects of Ethiopian tourism for the last 10 years. This includes authoring  the contents of 2 comprehensive Ethiopian travel websites ( www.evgethiopia.com  &  www.tourethiopia.co ) . I have also had the pleasure of organizing several tours every year.


My main dream in life has always been to save enough to travel the world. I feel that this has made it easier for me to empathize with travelers. With my writing, I am happy to play a part in helping independent travelers with their plans. In organizing tours, I get pleasure from meeting people who are living my dream and, inspired by my own views of the ideal experience, I get joy from the challenge of organizing the best possible custom tour to my ability.

I am happy to share more about myself if you click on any sections below.


